Spa Wellness Consulting

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We have seen a real surge of products launching into the wellness industry that treat from the inside out. Here are some of the trends we have collated from our online research.


Nootropics may be a funny-sounding name (it’s Greek for mind change), but these Silicon Valley-born supplements popularised by biohackers are getting serious attention for helping reduce brain fog and stress levels. And they’re about to reach a wider audience hoping to fine-tune their minds and do more than keep up with their inboxes and to-do lists.


A report released by Grand View Research says that the MCT market is expected to reach $2.46 billion by 2025. MCT oil is also the number-one-selling SKU in the sports nutrition category, for the last two years.


Mushrooms and plant medicines are emerging for their powerful and positive effects on depression, addiction, creativity and neural rewiring. Medical evidence is also showing that mushrooms are beneficial for health, ageing, personality improvement and deepening spiritual life. Finally, mushrooms will be in beauty products, supplements and food. 


Personalization is a trend that is here to stay, with a 2018 study of US consumers showed that 90 percent find personalization appealing. Preliminary studies have shown that individuals are more likely to stick with personalised nutrition advice based on DNA, blood biomarkers and genotypes. In the fight against obesity, diabetes and other preventable diseases, researchers and scientists are in agreement: there isn’t a one-size-fits-all fix. Personalized diets can end the frustration among wellness-seekers who commit to difficult lifestyle changes (such as omitting dairy, coffee or gluten) in the oft-times false hope that it will lead to weight loss or feeling better when, in fact, those drastic changes may be completely wrong for their bodies.


Many wellness insiders now are making this quick, intravenous method of taking in nutrients a regular thing—thanks to its reputed ability to thoroughly hydrate you and add a vitamin, mineral and amino acid boost to your bloodstream in levels that would be impossible to absorb orally. The IV infusions have been credited with doing everything from enhancing your skin’s glow, to combatting jet lag, aiding muscle recovery, and improving your digestion (the most popular being the skin-enhancing and immunity boosts). The market for IV solutions is expected to reach about $13.79 billion by 2024.


The mainstreaming of cannabis and its consumption out in the open will fuel a growing use of marijuana compounds and extracts for wellness products.


2018 was the year that gut-health-friendly kombucha became more mass and more niche than ever. The once-obscure fermented tea drink is now thoroughly mainstream. The numbers on kombucha’s growth are stunning. According to Square, kombucha sales are up by more than 12 times from three years ago, and one research firm says the category is already worth an annual $600 million (and counting).

Image: Kailo Medi Spa - Brisbane, Australia