Did you know that your skin is your largest living breathing organ? In fact, as adults we carry some 8 pounds (3.6 kilograms) and 22 square feet (2 square meters) of skin on our body. As important as our skin is, it is the last organ to receive nutrients, but the first organ to show signs of imbalance, which is why our skin is such a great barometer for our overall health. 

The skin is often referred to as the third kidney or lung, because we absorb more impurities, and eliminate more waste through the skin than any other organ in our bodies (including the colon). Two pounds of waste are eliminated every day through the skin, which means that our health is reliant on the skin being able to perform this incredibly important function. We will come back to how we support the function of our skin in a moment, but first let’s stop and appreciate a few more things our skin does for us every day.

Biologically, our skin is our first line of defense and it holds our bodies together, shielding us from the outside world. Culturally, skin defines much of our standard for beauty, because bright, youthful skin signals healthy and vitality. And, like every part of our bodies, skin responds to care and attention.

Dry body brushing is a traditional natural health practice, which involves brushing over dry skin before following with a bath or shower. Dry brushing exfoliates dry, rough skin, opening pores so that toxins can freely pass out from the body and it lightly stimulates the nerves under the skin that connect to the lymphatic system, to drain these toxins from the body. It also assists with stimulation of sweat and oil glands, contributing to the restoration of moist, supple skin. Dry skin brushing also strengthens and improves skin tone and it alleviates vein and lymph congestion to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Another way we can support the skin as a passage way to expel toxins, is via the use of an infrared sauna or sweating through exercise. Sweating purges the body of toxins that can clog pores and plague the skin with pimples and blemishes. Induced sweating enhances your circulation and natural metabolic processes as well as helping to oxygenate your tissues. I hired an infrared sauna over winter and experienced amazing results. My skin glowed with cleanliness and was no longer dry. Plus, I generally felt a lot healthier.

What we put on our skin is just as important as what we put in our body, because your skin absorbs a large percentage of what you put on it. Therefore, its very important that you only use natural skincare that is rich with oils the skin can actually recognize and metabolise/eat, for want of a better word. If pores are congested and blocked with chemical products and mineral oils, our skin cannot function and eliminate properly as described above. Our oil glands secrete oil that contains bacteria to fight off disease. Harsh chemicals, soaps and skin care products that deplete our bodies’ natural protective oils demolish this natural defense strategy. Another reason that making informed choices about personal care products is so important.

So much of how we feel about ourselves is also wrapped up in our appearance. Those suffering from skin ailments such as rosacea, acne, psoriasis and eczema, understand the anxiety and stress that blemished skin can have on emotional wellbeing. Understanding how the skin functions can help to alleviate these problematic skin conditions.

Finally, drinking a lot of water and eating a healthy diet rich in wholefoods, oils and fruits and vegetables is key to great skin. We need to nourish ourselves from the inside out, both through nutrition and healthy compassionate thoughts.

How ever your skin looks, I hope this article will highlight just how important your skin is for physical and emotional health. I recommend creating daily rituals to keep your skin healthy and nourished from the inside and out.



Spring has arrived in the Southern Hemisphere and there is no better time to begin the very good habit of rising early to greet the morning sun. In fact, there are many health benefits associated with morning sunshine. Even the birds and other animals provide a veritable symphony of song and dance in praise of the sun.

Greeting the morning sunshine (without wearing sunglasses) can easily be added into a daily routine by taking a walk in nature or practicing something like tai chi or yoga whilst looking into the morning sun. And some of the health benefits include:

·       It Sets Up a Good Circadian Rhythm

·       Helps the Brain Work Better

·       Stimulates Serotonin

·       Begins the Cascade Effect of Daily Hormones

·       Regulates Nervous System & Hormones

·       Prevents Depression

·       Helps Cognition, Mood & Vitality

Setting up a good circadian rhythm or body clock is crucial to good health. When sunlight hits our eyes, a message is sent to the pineal gland in the brain and production of melatonin (the hormone that makes us sleep) is shut down and your body gets a clear signal that it’s no longer night. This sets us up for a productive day, as well as a good night’s sleep later in the day.

Being exposed to sunlight early in the morning (instead of later in the day) is associated with a lower BMI. And messing with your body clock and missing out on early rays may affect your hunger and satiety signals and alter the way your body processes the foods you eat, leading to possible weight gain.

Hormones are secreted throughout the day and greeting the morning sun sets this process in motion, which is why maintaining a healthy body clock serves your hormonal wellbeing.

Sunlight stimulates the production of serotonin - a neurotransmitter in the brain, which helps to improve mood and reduce mood swings. It also acts as a natural anti-depressant by preventing depression by producing endorphins. Starting the day with a dose of sunshine helps the brain work better so that your cognitive performance and energy is improved.

The bottom line is that the sun can help brain function, which can improve the nervous system, hormonal regulation, muscle function, immune health, and carries many other health benefits. The brain’s circadian clock regulates sleeping and feeding patterns, alertness, core body temperature, brain wave activity, hormone production, regulation of glucose and insulin levels, urine production, cell regeneration, and many other biological activities. 



During the colder winter months and in our more mature years, its actually very important to eat warm foods. Ancient food philosophies from Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda both espouse warm foods as supporting the digestion and healing the body.

It takes a lot of digestive energy whenever we drink something cold or eat raw cold foods, as the body has to work very hard to raise the temperature of the food or liquid we have ingested, so that the nutrients can then be absorbed. Unfortunately, a great number of people (both young and particularly beyond age 35) already suffer from a weakened digestive system due to our modern day diet and lifestyle.

When eating warmed cooked foods, more energy is available for digestion and absorption of nutrients. In many cases bloating and digestive discomfort is eliminated and the whites of the eyes even become brighter. This was certainly my experience when I made the transition from eating a diet that was mostly raw foods to that of cooked foods, after I had a consultation with a doctor of chinese medicine. At first I was distraught that I was being asked to give up my enzyme rich raw food diet, after all of the information that I had read and personally espoused on raw foods. However, the results I experienced from my warm food trial were so positive that I have continued to honour my own personal physiology, rather than following a food fad that is not suited to me.

It is always important to develop a food philosophy that suits your individual body and mental characteristics. Ayurveda and Chinese Medicine go a step further in that they look at a persons ‘dosha’ or ‘element’ to better understand what types of foods and lifestyle practices will best support.

However, coming back to warm foods, remember to chew well and eat whilst in a relaxed state. Different foods have their own unique properties too. For example; vegetables such as potatoes, pumpkin, squash and carrot are very grounding. Certain spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon and cayenne are very warming. Stewed fruits and honey hit that sweet spot for those with sugar cravings. And small amounts of protein and bone broths heal and repair the gut and body.

Finally, there’s nothing nicer than sipping on warm herbal tea throughout the day and before bed time. So enjoy the nourishing and contented feeling you receive when taking care of yourself in these colder months. 



There is an art to creating the perfect promotion as per the formula below that will guarantee a higher capture rate of clients. So next time you are writing your monthly or weekly promotion follow these steps and watch your bookings roll in. 

The name of your business is not a headline. Put it down at the bottom. The headline must give an immediate and tangible benefit to the reader. And force the reader to keep reading. You will only get a click through on a newsletter if the heading attracts interest.

Create a compelling offer ... Book a treatment now for just $$ and receive a FREE xxx plus go into the draw to win a dinner for two or one nights luxury accommodation or a $250 Gift Voucher.

Develop an offer that is compelling, that cannot be ignored, that must be responded to, that draws clients to you.

Create value added promotions that can’t be compared to competitors. Tell your prospect what that value is.

Discounting is a terrible strategy and trains your clients to expect discounts. It takes money right out of your pocket and is an unsustainable strategy. Add perceived value that costs you little or nothing to give away.

Create scarcity. Some examples: This offer is only available this week, or to the first 200 customers, or at a certain price for a certain time, or we only have 27 of these packages, it’s first in best dressed, or only available for the first 19 bookings.

You need to tell people what to do e.g. Call Now!

Use testimonials from your customers. These are much more impressive and persuasive. What your customers say is 10,000 times more believable.

Offer a strong Money Back Guarantee.

Claim profound superiority e.g. We are the regions only 5 Star Destination Spa. 



I had my first experience of NIA over 12 years ago, and from the moment the class began I was struck by the ease and the playfulness of the journey. As someone that has long danced for the pure joy and exhilaration of it, I loved that this natural approach to movement was beginning to emerge, and I predict that in years to come, freestyle dance studios will be just as common as yoga and pilates classes. 

NIA is a dance class developed by former fitness leaders Debbie Rosas and Carlos Aya Rosas, over 30 years ago. And here below is an excerpt from recent research on the benefits of imagination and movement that I received via a NIA newsletter. 

Science now shows that fitness training through practices like Nia Technique, which integrates our playful nature with functional movement, is reportedly the most effective way to improve strength and conditioning, and in the last 5 years has been a tool used by elite coaches to enhance performance of professional athletes.

Good news! Exercise is more effective with a playful, curious, adventurous mind! Magic happens when we connect movement with imagination, or get into our playful mind-space. Embodied movement occurs when we are less self-conscious and more self-aware. Notice the difference when you move from the shoulders through your full range of motion, and then switch how your mind engages with the movement, this time imagining large broad, powerful wings expanding and filling the room, giving your spirit freedom to soar, sensing dynamic ease! The muscles engage more through your torso, legs and arms as your imagination senses the space surrounding your agile form. Sport psychology and neurophysiology aims to get athletes out of their head, and more in their bodies, improving quality of movement and engaging an instinctive body-mind connection.

Athletes master their structure, but now it is recognised that over thinking can interrupt a person's ability to move with greatest ease, so their imagination is key. Nia says, ‘it’s not how it looks, but how it FEELS that makes a difference.’ When we invite imagery to inspire our movement, our conditioning improves naturally. We choose our wings. And bringing gifts of imagery into our everyday activities gives us the ability to ‘Dance Through Life’.



Whenever anyone visits my home or office they always comment on how the space feels like a day spa. One of the reasons for this, apart from the decorative details, is the aromatic essential oils that infuse the room. 

The powerful and therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy essential oils have been used for self-care and medicinal practice for thousands of years. Aromatherapy is applied via inhalation (diffusers and directly from a bottle or on a tissue) and through the skin (via massage or bath soaks).

When essential oils are applied to the body they penetrate the skin via the hair follicles and are absorbed into the bloodstream, where they not only help to kill bacteria and viruses but also stimulate the body's immune system, thereby strengthening resistance to further attack.

Each essential oil has its own character and aroma, exhibiting a varying number of properties and benefits which are unique to itself. Some essential oils increase the circulation and help with the efficient elimination of toxins, others promote new cell growth and encourage the body's natural ability to heal itself.

The tiny molecules of essential oils are readily absorbed via the lungs and into the bloodstream when they are inhaled from a tissue, or a room a vaporizer, or bathwater. The aroma sends a signal directly to the Limbic System in the brain which is the centre of emotions and memory, which is why essential oils can help to lift depression, soothe stress and tension, induce sleep, calm nerves and generally encourage a better state of mind.

Massage is one of the best ways to enjoy aromatherapy because you not only receive the therapeutic properties of the essential oils, but you also get the wonderful benefits of the massage itself. The therapeutic action of the essential oils when brought together with the revitalising effects of massage stimulate all of the organs in the body, plus the skin, muscles, nerves and glands. The increased circulation of the blood and lymph flow also assists with the clearing away of body toxins.

It has long been understood that preventative measures go a very long way towards protecting the body against all types of illness. Therefore the relaxing and de-stressing influence of essential oils and massage, together with their effect on the immune system, places aromatherapy in the pre-eminent position as the finest preventative medicine.



When I look back over my life I realise that my passion for health began in my early twenties. Living in Sydney and being an avid gym goer and bookworm on all things health, I would regularly make a weekend trip to one of the health retreats just outside of the city, where I could enjoy a healthy day of activities, food and spa treatments. Then at the age of 28 (17 years ago now) I booked myself in for a 10 day fasting and detoxification program on the island of Koh Samui in Thailand. My interest in this healing methodologie had come about from reading a book on fasting by Dr Bernard Jensen and having been quite the sweet tooth, despite my healthy diet, I felt that a good internal cleanse was in order. And indeed it was! 

At this same retreat I also discovered yoga, so I took myself along to the class and met the lovely teacher Jyoti, who later came to share a house with me in Sydney. And from here a whole new chapter unfolded as I learned a different approach to health, of not only body, but also mind and soul. At this same time I had also begun working as a chiropractors assistant and my understanding of health expanded beyond the books I had been reading. Further to this, the bookshelves in the office were filled with personal development books by authors such as Carolyn Myss, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay and others, which opened up the exploration of the mind, quantum physics and spiritual growth.  

I also began to attend inspiring events with the likes of Dr John Demartini and Tony Robbins. I was hungry for change, growth and evolution and every book, yoga class and workshop had something to teach me. So little by little I began to grow in a different way... a way that was more at ease, more in flow and more optimistic and responsible. I also began to change the way I was speaking and thinking, as I came to understand the power of our beliefs, thoughts and words. I began to meditate and tap into my own inner knowing and awareness, which developed a greater sense of trust in myself. My whole way of living and being was slowly being transformed. 

Delving into a different spiritual perspective began when I went to study Yoga in India. I really had no idea what I was in for, and had I known I may not have gone. But once there, I surrendered to learning the wisdom held within the Hindu mythology and ancient texts. And in addition to this, just being in India and living in an ashram for 6 months has a way of giving one an altered perspective on wellness and spirituality. Whilst in the ashram, I also had the opportunity to go through an Ayurvedic Panchakarma cleanse, which was yet another way of approaching the detoxification of the body. And so in this simple chapter of vegetarian food, yoga, meditation, chanting and basic living I came to another level of understanding with regards to wellness. 

Since then, my travels have taken me to many different health resorts, specialised healers, somatic, embodied, motivational, spiritual and inspirational workshops, movement practices, retreats and classes. Every piece of learning has added to the puzzle of living our best life as a human being and for this Im eternally grateful. 

As the journey to wellness continues I realise more than ever it really is all about integration. Wellness goes far beyond how we eat and exercise. It is our life... it is clearing the past to lay claim to our future, it is the way we deeply connect to ourselves and others, it is a healthy level of self love, it is living a life of flow because we are being the truest expression of ourselves. Wellness is balancing movement with nourishment with stress resilience and emotional wellbeing. And having that kind of wellness does mean making it a priority, but it is so rewarding to look back on who you once were and realise that the person you are today is a testament to approaching wellness in the holistic sense... mind, body and spirit. 



As we power through the 21st century, it can sometimes feel as though we exist in a perpetual state of busyness. Often, with busyness, comes the inevitable... stress. Whether it’s the stress to perform well at work or in our studies, or to keep abreast of what’s happening in our lives. Generally at some point we may all experience the effects of stress.

When talk turns to stress, we immediately associate it with negative implications and something we should strive to avoid. In fact, we actually need a good dose of stress to get us moving, enticing us to move forward in our daily lives. However, there is a fine line between having enough stress to motivate without causing too much pressure. The key to good health and wellbeing is finding that very balance that enhances rather than incapacitates us.

Research suggests that at least one in four Australians experience moderate to severe levels of stress1. Think about how often you have heard friends and family say that they are stressed? You’ve probably said it a million times yourself. But what is stress?

Stress is a natural response to a challenging situation, which may be caused by what’s happening around us as well as the demands we place on ourselves. It causes the ‘fight or flight’ response in our bodies that enables us to react to the stressors in our lives. When most people talk about stress they primarily refer to emotional distress, which includes feelings of anger or irritability, anxiety and depression, which is attached to a whole range of physical and physiological responses such as muscular and digestive problems.

If not managed, a build up of stress can lead to health issues such headaches, muscular tension, sleeplessness and a heightened susceptibility to colds and flus. Left untreated, the strain on the body from the symptoms of stress can manifest into serious health conditions leading to heart disease, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure and anxiety disorder.

It’s not all doom and gloom, because when managed, stress can work for you. Every body reacts to stress differently, and while some may cope, others may struggle when confronted with the same issues. The key is in recognising your own limits and implementing strategies to keep you from crossing over that fine line to destress.

As spa and wellness professionals, its particularly important that we walk our talk and make a consistent habit of supporting our wellbeing so as to maintain a healthy level of calm. Here are some tips and reminders toward living a calm balanced lifestyle. 

Exercise - whether that’s a heart thumping run or a stroll along the beach or through the bush, whatever it is, get the body moving.

Sleep – it is recommended that adults need between seven and nine hours sleep a night to allow the body to repair and rejuvenate.

Eat well – fuelling up on nutritious wholefoods not only boosts the immune system, but also creates calm in a body that’s already functioning in a high state of arousal. 

Share your stress – talk about how you feel, if not to friends and family, to a qualified health professional.

Explore relaxation – regularly practice meditation, yoga, breathing techniques, tai chi or treat yourself to a spa treatment and time out from your daily routine.

Life is for living and the more present we can be, the more we can enjoy the magic of each moment and share the calm with friends, family and clients. 



For a business to experience true profitable wellness and for a spa business to thrive, its essential to map out a clear retail strategy.

Unfortunately many spa's often miss the mark when it comes to merchandising and promoting their skincare and retail offering. If you have the luxury of designing a new spa its important to build in a generous retail boutique near reception and if you have an exisiting spa consider how your retail space might be remodelled or improved. Concept stores such as Aesop, Aveda, Jurlique and Perfect Potion provide wonderful retail inspiration. These companies appreciate the importance of visual merchandising and specific placement of products, and spare no expense in achieving the perfect retail environment that has you coming back time and again. A taster bar that allows clients the opportunity to smell and feel product also creates a great connection. 

Be sure to include a diverse range of retail products in your boutique including but not limited to; inner health supplements, a mens range, a lifestyle range, heat packs, eye pillows, body brushes, bath products, muscle ease products, gift packs, insect repellant, baby products, deodorant, suncare and sun soothing care, lip balm, writing journals. The sky is the limit! And weave as many products as you can into the guest journey. Every touch point should be connected to a retail offering. For example; shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand wash and hand lotion in the bathrooms should be available in your boutique. Perhaps the bath robes and slippers are also available. You might serve teas, alchemy cordials or beauty chef elixirs in the relaxation area. Feature essential oils in foot bowls, foot compresses and in aromatic diffusers placed around the spa. And ensure that any oils or mists used in the opening and closing sequence are available for retail purchase as well. You might also expand your retail boutique to include candles, eye pillows,   aroma reeds, bath salts, writing journals, gift fact the options are endless. 

One challenge we experience as spa operators, is that many therapists believe that their duty of care goes no farther than delivering a treatment. Sadly, this sees the industry's average in retail sales quite low, and has our spa clients going elsewhere to purchase their skincare, such as 'heaven forbid' the supermarket shelf or David Jones counter. And buying skincare in this way, hardly provides the prescription our client might have received had their therapist shared even just a small percent of their extensive knowledge on the skins anatomy. During a treatment a therapist has the unique opportunity to carefully analyse a clients skin as well as work with it and notice how it responds to certain products. It really is the perfect scenario for giving each and every client a prescription to support the needs of their skin. In fact, a therapist is in the doctors chair when performing a treatment, and the more a therapist truly believes in what they have have to offer, the more in service they can be. Have your therapists embrace this belief and give them the training and tools to recommend in a sophisticated way and watch your retail sales improve dramatically. And don't forget that introducing the brand begins during the consultation and preparing the client to receive a prescription also begins here. The therapist can ask the client if they would be happy to receive any applicable advice and a prescription at the close of their treatment. This is a polite way to ask for permission and creates the expectation that will then hold the therapist accountable. 

It is also very helpful for a spa to design its own skin and lifestyle prescription. This is not an expensive exercise in terms of graphic design and printing, and yet so worthwhile to your business, your therapist and your guest. It keeps your branding cohesive and makes completing the prescription a breeze for busy therapists. The prescription informs the guest of all products used in their treatment, along with the price so there are no embarrassing surprises and the therapist can specifically highlight 1 to 3 products that they especially recommend for their client. This can be as easy as saying; "your skin responded particularly well to the hyaluronic serum, which Ive highlighted here for you". The spa manager can decide how the guest journey will best flow and whether the prescription is discussed in the treatment room or relaxation lounge or at the reception desk upon departure. The receptionist can be instrumental in closing a sale.

Retail sales are finite and only limited by your running out of stock, and even then there is always a way around that such as postal delivery. Whereas there are only so many hours and treatment rooms and therapists rostered on in one day, which caps the profit potential of your treatment revenue. Therefore if you want your retail to thrive, create a fantastic retail space, add a tester bar, weave retail products into every part of your guest journey, train your team continually and ensure that every guest leaves with a prescription form at the very least.

Your clients will respect the level of service and the care and knowledge they receive when visiting your spa, and both your client, your team and your business will thrive. We are after all in customer service and offering our expertise in skin and body wellness is what we are here to offer the world.  
