Spa Wellness Consulting

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Once upon a time in a faraway land called Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat, I facilitated and led the Women’s Discovery Retreats. At the end of the retreat I used to share a handout called Womens Wisdom, so I thought I would share it here, in case it might be just the reminder or wisdom you need.

Learn the art of rest… Breathe Deeply, Slow Down, Stretch Jaw, Cup Breasts, Massage Tummy, Soak Feet, Use Aromatherapy, Light Candles, Have a Sleep, Play Soft Music, Have a Bath, Indulge in Self Massage, Practice Yoga etc

Have more fun… Dance and rediscover all aspects of yourself… Embody all of the feminine archetypes… The playful child, the warrior woman, the temptress, the mother, the sensual goddess, the angelic goddess, the rebel and the rule breaker…be random, be wild, be big, be unapologetic, be succulent, be juicy, be childlike etc

Create a life that is whole… Fresh air, clean water, sunshine, exercise, rest, wholefoods, connected relationships, passion, hobbies, fulfilling work, constructive thoughts, laughter, fun, playfulness, self love etc

Practice self love as it is the true pillar of calm… Wrap yourself up in warm acceptance, love yourself no matter what, be with life more deeply, practice self-kindness and self-compassion, practice mindfulness, feel more, breathe deeply, release the judgement, self-criticism and shame etc

Nourish your soul… With friendships, relationships, activities and practices that light you up. Place a nourishment menu on the fridge that lists all of the things you love and make time to do one or more of these things that give you joy.

Spend time in silence… Silent and listen have the same letters… In your silence you can listen to your body’s inner voice and wisdom. 

Practice inspiring affirmations in the present tense… I love and approve of myself. I am loved. I am safe and supported. I am at peace.

Practice Ho’opono’opono… speak these comforting words towards yourself when thinking of past mistakes and where you may have let yourself down. Shower yourself with love, nurturing and compassion. 

 I’m Sorry * Forgive Me * Thank You * I Love You

Make everything in your life a love story!